Monday, June 4, 2012

Rabid Goose!

We're driving home after a day of once again spending way to much at Wally World when we see a single goose walking along side the road. Odd. We've seen plenty of other wildlife foraging on their own. Good examples would be groundhogs, crows, squirrels, hawks, even dogs and cats...never a goose!

The sight of this single goose got us thinking. Why was it alone? Perhaps its' mate had tried to cross the street and not quite made it? Maybe it just went through a really tough divorce and wasn't in a hurry to find another mate? I even considered it may have been cast out of the flock for being a complete asshole, but that makes no sense. There's an asshole goose in every flock. You know the one. It charges you even though you come with a loaf of stale bread under each arm. So much for that theory.

We've decided that it was a rabid goose. Even though we understand this is completely impossible, just the thought of a rabid goose is hilarious yet terrifying. Imagine the scene at a peaceful pond when suddenly behind you there's a sickening growling/honking! You turn quickly only to come knee to beak with a goose...feathers missing..foaming at the mouth...perhaps dragging one webbed foot behind it!?

After spending more time than we should have on the subject of rabid geese, we turned our attention to an idiot pulling one of those mini-U-Haul trailers. We were in one of two left turn lanes, he was in the other. As the light changed, we turned in our lane and this moron decided he liked ours better and came over, narrowly missing our van. He was oblivious to us.

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