Sunday, May 3, 2020


I was thinking about all of the jokes, especially memes, poking fun at the Covid-19 virus and all it encompasses. I sometimes worry that people will be offended or hurt because they've either lost someone, is a survivor, lost a job or has been impacted in some other form as a result of the virus. Then I thought, how would it be possible to find humor in any serious situation without affecting someone somewhere? Any subject at all! If you joke about a pillow, someone might have had a friend or loved one that was suffocated by one.

Joke about a crappy car you had as a teen and they know someone that was killed in that very year and model.

Joke about flowers and that was their dead parents favorite!!
It doesn't matter what the subject is, someone is always going to be affected in a negative way. Without a sense of humor we'll never survive every day life and all it entails, so get over it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Covid-19 and How It Has Sort of Affected Our Lives

We are in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Obviously it has disrupted the lives of millions of people. This subject came up on a FB page. Not so much disruption with me, my husband and our adult son. We are both retired, couch potato slugs. Our adult son is Autistic so he doesn't have a clue as to the current situation other than he doesn't get to go inside the store with us right now. 
So far the only behavior out of the ordinary for us has been the masks and gloves. We have always used hand sanitizer. We keep it at home and in all of our vehicles. This was nothing new. 

We did have an experience recently that brought home the issue of Covid. Our van broke down. We had to call for a tow truck. When the driver finally arrived he said he couldn't take us home in his truck. COVID prevention. All the while he's talking to us with a mask over his furry beard!! I'm sure there was a secure seal there. He finally relented, hubby rode in the van. Our son and I masked up and mashed ourselves together as far away from the driver as possible. Heads talking. 

I don't mind the "social distancing", the masks, gloves etc...etc. I do mind the constant pounding of information into our heads through local and national news. It reminds me of the Vietnam War years. Every single day we'd get reports of the dead, wounded and missing in action. Just run a crawler and give us news about other stuff going on! There HAS TO BE other stuff going on for gawd sake! In fact I know there is other stuff going on. The Weather Channel app has actual videos proving it. Until we start seeing something other than Covid shit I'll DVR the local news, fast forward to the weather and be done with it.  
This is our son. I worry for him more than anyone because he is so innocent.  

Saturday, April 4, 2020


As I was in the "big bathroom" scrubbing the sink, the toilet and the stupid ass garden tub I started thinking about WHY DID THEY PUT GARDEN TUBS IN TRAILERS? We're living in a trailer!! I'm assuming this was supposed to be some kind of perk if you bought a particular model? Who is going to see this besides the buyer? Will they invite friends and family in to view it. 
I can imagine it now. You invite your closest family and friends. You know what they are thinking...'meh...just a trailer. Big deal'. But then you show them the GARDEN TUB!! OOOOO...AWWWWW!! It's no longer just a trailer it's now a MOBILE HOME!! I hate this garden tub even if it at one time it would have been the envy of family, friends or the whole damn trailerhood.

It's to big. Cleaning it requires actually climbing inside. I've tried leaning over the edge but not only is my arm to short to apply a good pressure on the sponge, laying on the edge tends to cut off the circulation to my legs! Could stand to loose a few pounds but that's neither here nor there because that wouldn't make my arms any longer. 

We get our water from a community well. About 75% of the time (I'm being generous) the water resembles weak tea!! One can imagine what this does to tubs, showers, washing machines...LAUNDRY!! If you can't imagine it then picture this. One day you scrub everything until it shines. Lovely, sparkling make you sigh kind of clean. Two days later the toilets are brown, the tub is brown and when you pull out your white load from the washer it looks like someone dyed them all some shitty beige color! 

That's it. Just needed to get that off my chest.  

Saturday, March 14, 2020


I got a glimpse this morning of a program on HGTV regarding building dream homes, renovating homes for people in need (really?)etc...etc. The topic made me think about the fact that unless I win the lottery one day, I'll be living in this mobile home for the rest of my life.

Why isn't there MHGTV? Mobile Home & Garden TV? Why is it that we never see a swarm of HGTV celebs putting in landscaping for some old couple in a mobile home or renovating another one for a family living in one because it's all they can afford?

I understand there's a stigma that comes along with living in a mobile home but it's really not fair. I've seen plenty of stick built homes turned into piles of shit because no one cares for one reason or another. 

There are some of us out there that actually sort of care about our mobile homes. We've invested a small fortune in metallic tape, Gorilla tape, duct tape and zip ties to keep this place together. We do our own plumbing, paint our roof when rusting starts to appear and make sure the windows holding the a/c units are sealed with plastic sheeting so rain can't pour in and rot the walls. We also keep the leaves out of what's left of the cheap ass rain gutters. 

I digress. Sorry. Anyway, imagine how many mobile homes could be renovated for the price of building one new "dream home"? So in short, people shouldn't judge others because they live in a mobile home. They simply can't afford to buy a stick built or even a new mobile. Housing costs are ridiculous so you take what shelter you can afford. We are fortunate. Our MH is paid for along with the land it sits on. No mortgage buys a lot of life preserving resuscitation tools for this old Home Sweet Mobile Home.