First let me start off by announcing "AUTISM SUCKS". For my son it's akin to having a terminal, terminal disease. There is no cure. I don't care how many people claim that diet, strict routines, behavioral modification and other questionable methods "cure" Autism because they don't. I have yet to see Breaking News about the discovery of a cure for Autism and until I do my son will not be a guinea pig for snake oil salesmen/women.

I have to admit though that in recent weeks I have resorted to searching for better vitamins, and chewable protein and probiotic pills. He is also being given very low doses of Melatonin in hopes of helping him sleep more comfortably.

This is a non-verbal 20 year old young man and every time I have to shave him, brush his teeth, bathe him, change his disposable undies, change the soiled bedding or beg him to please try using the computer..I cry. I can't talk to strangers on the phone or in person about our son without choking up so bad that all I can do is make a few croaking sounds. He never sees this. My husband only sees this if he starts saying things like "aw, poor fella" about our son.