Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Post Formerly Known as "Draft"

Not sure why it takes so long for me to come up with anything remotely interesting for this blog. I guess I have to face the fact that I am not meant to be a "blogger". I sometimes wish I could be more prolific at blogging, but after thinking it over a minute or two I change my mind.

I started this thing with such gusto then life steps in and screws up the momentum and the thought processes which were slim to none to begin with.

Since the last time I was here there's been a birth, a stolen car, a new dog, a couple of health scares, a retirement and a vow to stop celebrating Christmas.

I owe this visit to a dear friend. We lost touch for a bit but recently reconnected on the dreaded FaceBook. She mentioned her blog and it reminded me that I had one tucked away somewhere covered in dust, cobwebs and sad attempts at interesting blog fodder. I hope she's happy!!