Over the years our Daddy told us many stories of his childhood many times. This was ok because most of the stories were hilarious and that particular trait doesn't get old.
One such story still brings a smile to my face. It's the tale of the tomato spiders. Now whether or not this is true, we'll never know and honestly, I don't care.
According to Daddy he was very afraid of spiders as a toddler. Whenever "Nanny", his Mom, had to go outside and do laundry and other assorted chores, she would put him in a room and line the entrance of the doorway with dried leaf tops plucked from tomatoes! This "spider" barrier kept him safely trapped in the room while she was outdoors.
If you ever get a chance, look at them. Once they have dried and turned brown they look suspiciously like spiders. Like I said, can't say for sure if this is true or pure crap. Daddy had a knack with telling stories and true or not, they were wonderful!