One of my favorite games involved "fishing". You're given a pole with a string and clothespin attached. When you dropped your line over the wall, a person on the other side would attach a prize to the clothespin. Woohoo!! Sadly, I usually ended up with one of those Chinese finger cuff things!
There was so much to do! Another favorite activity would have been to collect all the balloons we could then inhale the helium out of them. Fun stuff, but apparently something we shouldn't have been doing. Who knew back then? Perhaps that's why I now have a severe case of the "wide-ends"...or "terminal cellulite". Maybe, just maybe it's the cause of the creepy "bat wing syndrome" under my arms? Oh the horrors...if I'd only known.
The huge back doors on the school gym where the carnival was held would be opened up and there would be a talent show. The most memorable act I recall was a band that played "Wild Thing". Imagine what that would sound like now!
As I bring this to an end, I have to mention the Wild Man. During one of the Halloween carnivals a teacher (I think) came running into the gym yelling "the wild man is loose". I don't recall who it was, but one of the adults had dressed in raggedy clothes, he had a chainlike leash around his neck and was running around acting like a crazed escapee from the psych ward! It was great! Kids were running and screaming...some genuinely frightened and some just having a good time. I doubt this would be allowed at the school sponsored "Fall Festivals" today.